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The Beauty Protein: How Collagen Restores Hair and Invigorates Skin

The Beauty Protein: How Collagen Restores Hair and Invigorates Skin

In the beauty and health industries, collagen gets a lot of great press for its potential to revitalize and rejuvenate aging skin and hair. In this blog, we'll delve deeper into what collagen is, explore its pivotal roles in the body, and uncover how incorporating collagen into your diet can benefit your hair and overall health.

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10 Reasons Drinking Water is Absolutely Necessary For Improving Your Quality Of Life

10 Reasons Drinking Water is Absolutely Necessary For Improving Your Quality Of Life

OK, Queens...let’s talk hydration. Are you getting enough water? And how can you tell? Our bodies are composed of 50%-70% water, and since we expel so much water through urination, perspiration, defecation, and breathing, we have to replenish whatever we lose. Hair, skin, nails, muscles, joints, organs, and bones suffer when we fail to compensate for water loss. Here are 10 reasons why drinking enough water is necessary for improving your quality of life...
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